Thank Yous

Finlay Boggan celebrated his 5th birthday and donated his birthday money to YANA. What a sweetie!

Thank you to St. Michael & All Angels, Protestant Chapel at CFB Comox for their donation.

The Town of Comox have been donating bottles and cans from their receptacles to YANA over the last year and hardworking youth volunteer, Christopher Parkinson, has been working extremely hard at the Comox Return It Centre turning the bottles and cans into money to support our program. Thank you to everyone involved!

Terry Lee from Orion Facilitated Planning showed his support of local children who require medical treatment outside the community through a generous donation to YANA. Thank you.

Thank you to the generous individuals who donate monthly through Canada Helps. Your quiet commitment to YANA is noticed and much appreciated.

It is not often that stormtroopers and other Star Wars villains come to town so we were excited and grateful to be included in the action at the In Con Family Gaming Convention.

InCON at Games and Grounds

Thank you to Tim Chaisson and the Island Charity Wrestling crew who hosted their annual wrestling event and donated proceeds to YANA. We love these crazy guys with huge hearts!

Nicest Wrestlers Ever

The Georgia Straight Hot Jazz Society hosted a dance in memory of Len Wilkie. What a lovely tribute and a great gift to the community.

Jackie Wilkie 2014 Geirgia Straight Jazz Society salute to Len Wilkie

Staff and residents at Berwick in Comox dedicated their fun day proceeds to YANA. We’re glad you’re having fun and sure appreciate your kindness.

Jess Fester hosted a horseshoe tournament and made it a fundraiser for YANA. Thank you!