Thank Yous

Thank you to our monthly donors who give through Canada Helps. Your commitment and generosity is valued.

Thank you to individuals and businesses who make donations in memory of or in honour of loved ones. These donations are very special.

ADI Benefits screened the 80s favourite, Ghostbusters, and provided a fun movie experience for families. Thank you to all attendees and to Adam Duncan and his family for hosting the event. Good people doing good things for the community!

The kind-hearted folks at Courtenay Plumbing were inspired by the community spirit that they experienced at Morning at the Movies and generously matched Ghostbuster-goers entry donations! We love when this kind of philanthropy happens. Thank you!

Thank you to our friends at the Coastal Community Credit Union on 4th Street for hosting a hotdog sale with proceeds to YANA as part of their celebration of International Credit Union Day.

A huge thank you to those involved with our Kids’ Clutter sale this fall. We appreciate all sellers, donors, buyers and volunteers who contributed to this successful event. Special thanks to Tanya Del Bianco, our lead organizer, and to Dennyse Harris. Both of these outstanding volunteers put in many hours to make the sale run smoothly.

Did you know that Coastal Transportation & Storage help us by storing the clothing racks for Kids’ Clutter throughout the year at no cost to YANA? They also transport the racking system before and after the event. We are incredibly grateful to have the support of this community-minded business!

We made 5,000 Christmas crackers in record time this year thanks to an amazing volunteer response and tremendous leadership by YANA Board Director, Lesley Hunter! Thanks to everyone who shared their time and talent.

Thank you to Tom Harris Cellular who does a variety of neat things throughout the year with their staff and customers to raise money for YANA.

Sophia Barlow celebrated her 4th birthday with party donations to YANA. It is very special to see kids helping other kids in this way.