Thank Yous

We want to thank Jerry Snook for his generous donation in lieu of his Super Bowl party. Thank you for your continued generosity!

Christina from Relax and Feel Radiant was inspired to give to YANA after working long distance with a preemie born at 24wks in Calgary. In gratitude for the opportunity she is dedicating 50% of profits of her handmade cards to YANA, thank you for your thoughtful gift, Christina!

Our gratitude goes out to the generous folks at West & Co. for choosing to donate back a portion of your consignment commissions to YANA, thank you so much!

Heartfelt thanks goes to the Kiwanis Club of Courtenay for your donation in honour of Ric Kellows’ Walk for YANA, we are grateful!

We are very touched and honoured to have received a financial gift from the estate of Harold Roloff. Here’s to you, Harold! Thank you!

We’d like to recognize the British Columbia General Employees’ Union (Component 17) for their donation. Their intent is to help support agencies due to hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you so much!

We thank you, Royal Canadian Legion Br. 160, for your donation to YANA. Your gift will help us to fund local families who need to travel for the medical treatment of a child or pregnant mother.

We would like to send our appreciation out to the Catholic Women’s League for their annual donation. Their charitableness will allow us to help local Comox Valley families and we’re very grateful!

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree – How lovely are thy branches! Tsolum River Truffula Tree Farm donated a percentage of their Christmas tree sales to YANA again this year! We couldn’t do what we do without the regular support of our Comox Valley businesses, thank you!

Heartfelt thanks go out to IG Wealth Management, the Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation and the Rev David Madill and June Madill Fund for a generous grant awarded to YANA. We appreciate the financial support tremendously!