Thank Yous

Our hearts are full thanks to a young entrepreneur who has been selling bouquets of flowers outside her home, with proceeds donated to YANA. Thank you for generously giving back to other children and families in this community so creatively!


Shout out to Jan Kotyk for your generous heart (and incredible endurance!!) through your Run North for YANA fundraiser! Jan ran a whopping 203.84 kilometer in just 3 days, through every kind of weather imaginable, al while raising pledges to give back to YANA. We can’t thank you enough, Jan!

We are beaming with gratitude for the classroom full of students at Queeneesh Elementary who opened up their hearts to learn about YANA and the services available to children and families in our community. Their basket raffle fundraiser was a huge success, and we are grateful for the generous donation ANd the beautiful artwork that accompanied it!

15-year-old Emily grew out her hair for 3 years and set out to truly make it count!
Emily used this special opportunity to raise money and give back to YANA and Jeneece Place, as well as donating her hair to Locks for Love. Emily’s fundraiser was hugely successful, and so is her beautiful new-do! Thank you from the bottom of our very full hearts.

Huge ladles of hot chili to all of the artists at Potter’s Place who donated a portion of their bowl sales in lieu of the annual Chili Bowl Fundraiser, thank you for your commitment to giving back to your community in a meaningful way!

Comox Valley entrepreneurs Nest in the City and Emily Yewchuck curated a special Spring Nest Box, with a percentage of sales donated to YANA. We are so grateful for your creativity and generosity, thank you for including us in this fantastic fundraiser!

Comox Valley entrepreneurs Nest in the City and Emily Yewchuck curated a special Spring Nest Box, with a percentage of sales donated to YANA. We are so grateful for your creativity and generosity, thank you for including us in this fantastic fundraiser! 

A huge thanks to the Town of Comox for your generous give-back to YANA from your Spring Fling fundraiser, what a wonderful way to celebrate with the community and give back to families!

A huge thanks to the staff at Comox Valley Nissan for their 4×4 Fundraiser and all the generous pledges that were made on behalf of your running (and donut eating) efforts for YANA families! Thank you for your creativity and commitment to giving back to your community in a fun and unique way!

We are incredibly grateful to the Calgary Foundation, FYI Doctors, and Visique Enhancing Life Foundation Flow Through Fund for the generous grant to YANA, thank you for choosing our organization and helping families in our community when it’s needed most!