Thank Yous

A huge thanks to the folks at the Haunted Hall of Horrors for your hard work in putting on yet another spooktacular event for the community this year and generously donating proceeds to YANA. Thank you so much for your ongoing support!

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the CVRD Unit members of CUPE Local 556 for their recent donation.  These municipal workers work hard, and we’re so thankful that they thought of YANA to be the recipient of their generosity!

We would like to acknowledge the Strategic Charitable Giving Foundation for their recent donation.  We are appreciative and will ensure that the funds go directly to helping local Comox Valley families who have to travel for the medical treatment of a child or pregnant mother.

Huge thank you to the realtors of Zone 2 Vancouver Island Real Estate Board, who chose to donate to YANA as their Charity of Choice.  We are deeply grateful to these community-minded real estate agents for their continued support!

YANA is very grateful for our local Horseshoe Club, who raised funds for YANA at their recent Tournament.  Thank you for your donation, we appreciate it!

The appropriately named Uplifters Shop has recently lifted YANA’s spirits WAY UP, with their generous donation.  They have two promotions that benefit YANA:  Every pair of Novelty PJ Bottoms sold, $1 goes to YANA as well as their specially curated Gift Boxes, where 20% of the value of each gift box purchased goes to YANA when customer specifies it.  Thank you!

The Komox Masters Baseball League Players have all hit  “home runs”, in YANA’s opinion!  They generously donated funds to YANA and we are their biggest fans!

YANA is a big fan of Gratitude and right now, we’re feeling super thankful for Mudsharks Coffee Bar’s Grateful Bowl Program.   Every month, $1 from each delicious bowl goes to a local charity and YANA was their latest recipient.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We’d like to thank the Comox Lemon Squeezers – namely Kate, Everett, Bryn and Clara – for fundraising for YANA.  Every year, they set up a Lemonade Stand on, appropriately, Lemonade Stand Day, and raise money for a BC Charity as well as the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation.  Sweeeeeeeet!  

On a hot day, is there anything better than ice-cold, homemade lemonade?   Yes!!….When it’s being sold by an enterprising and thoughtful youth named Ronan, in support of YANA!  You rock, Ronan!