

Well, where to start on how YANA has helped us. SO, here it goes.

My water broke at 22 weeks and we were told that we would have our baby and most likely would not survive. We beat those odds. My daughter Reagyn was born at 24 weeks and 5 days and weighed 835 grams (1 pound 13 oz).

We spent 104 days in the hospital. YANA helped reduce the financial stress in a very stressed time, not to mention the many, many trips we have made back to Children’s Hospital.

YANA is such a blessing to the Comox Valley, and has helped my little family out. I am a single mom and going back and forth to Children’s Hospital is a big expense so YANA has blessed me hugely.

Thank you YANA. And thank you to the Comox Valley for all the support to keep this great organization running.