
City of Courtenay for their Jean’s Day

C.I.B.C. – At the grand opening of the Crown Isle branch, C.I.B.C. presented a grant to YANA to assist with apartment furnishings and family funding.

C.I.B.C. Wood Gundy Ð Thank you, Nancy Clarke, for your continued support.

Sunnydale Golf Club who held a tournament in memory of Jane Keoughan

Flying Canoe Club who hosted an oyster bar for YANA We love this fishy, fun, fundraising!

Hannah Stevens who collected donations to YANA on her 8th birthday. What a sweetie!

The Los Chi-Wah-Wahs who hosted a concert at the Bridge Lounge in honor of Hope Kopeck.

Many generous individuals whose “quiet” contributions in June and July helped to keep families strong.

Vancouver Island White Water Paddling Association, Jackson Kayaks & Western Canoe & Kayak. They auctioned off a boat with proceeds to YANA

Schools in School District #71 – seeing kids so excited about helping other kids is a wonderful thing!