
Thank you to the Hospital Employees’ Union for their recent donation.

A very special donation and acknowledgement came from the Comox Valley Division of Family Practice. Our local doctors really understand the challenges our clients face. It means a lot to have your support.

Another shout out to everyone who bought YANA Christmas crackers and to the vendors who sold them on our behalf!

Fun, Food, Friendship and Giving

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YANA has announced their Annual Dinner and Auction date, set for February 27, 2015.

This popular evening brings the community together in celebration and support of YANA. Dinner and silent auction are followed by an exciting live auction, featuring auctioneer Dave Stevens. Karen McKinnon presents a much anticipated photographic documentary of the medical journey of a YANA family.

“The YANA Dinner and Auction is our biggest fundraiser,” explains President, Judy Cryer. “Not only does it generate a large part of our annual revenue but it’s an opportunity to acknowledge the 28 years of support this community has given to YANA and helps ensure we will be here for 28 more.”

YANA provides accommodation and direct funding to Comox Valley families who need to travel for the medical care of a child or pregnant mother. Founded in 1986 by Sandra Williams, YANA has assisted hundreds of families and upheld its grass roots ideal, that ‘You Are Not Alone.’

To be part of the generosity that is required to host such an event:
– Donate an item or service for the auction.
– Create a gift basket or purchase an item with a group of colleagues, friends or teammates and donate in the group’s name.
– Sponsor a table at the event for $150. Your marketing image will be displayed on the scrolling big screen, and your business information on tent cards at one of the tables. Details on this or other sponsorship opportunities available upon request.
– Attend the auction by purchasing a $60 ticket. Last year tickets sold out in one hour! They will go on sale on Sunday, January 18th at 9:00am and are available on-line only at

“We are blessed by the unique culture of giving that has grown around YANA,” says Executive Director, Marcie Dumais. “This beautiful story was graciously shared with us by YANA volunteer, donor, and auction guest, Jenny Deters, after last year’s event. It is a lovely illustration of the impact of our community’s commitment to YANA.”

“An Angel Walked Into The Room” by Jenny Deters

I had such a great time at the YANA Comox Valley auction last night. While I was there it occurred to me that not many people knew why this organization was so dear to my heart.

At 20 years old, I was flown by helicopter to Vancouver wearing nothing but a hospital robe. Five months pregnant with my second child and I was told that my kidneys were failing. I spent a very scary two months on bed rest until, at thirty-two weeks, they decided they could not wait any longer and had to deliver my little peanut. Isaiah was born at just three pounds and he was a miracle. I was told he would spend the next two months, at least, in hospital care, with most of that being in Vancouver.

Two days after my son was born, hospital staff came in to inform me that I was being released from the hospital. They needed my room for someone else. My baby had to stay, of course, but I could not.

Jenny Deters with her son Isaiah, who will turn 18 on Feb. 21I had no money, no clothing, nowhere to go. As I sat crying in my hospital bed wondering what I was going to do, scared, emotionally and physically drained from the traumatic birth of my tiny bundle two days earlier, an angel walked in to my room. She told me she was from some mysterious organization called YANA and they were here to lend me an apartment for as long as I needed, two blocks from the hospital. She also was going to give me some clothing so I did not have to walk the city naked, and filled the fridge full of food. Basically she gave me the ability to spend the first two critical months with my son worry free.

This was a gift that I could never repay. This is why I love this organization and those who volunteer/donate to ensure that other families can have this priceless gift as well. Thank you.

Comox Valley Realtors hosted their Zone 2 Christmas Party and gave proceeds from the 50/50 to YANA. Thank you for keeping local families in your hearts!



A big thank you to Deb Rolston who led Yoga 4 Yana. We love when events are good for the body, the soul and the community!

Yoga 4 YANA 2014 with Deb Rolston

Thank you to Steve Terris from Pure Audio who threw a hockey party and shaved his head for donations to YANA. We like your new look!

2014-11-19 20.36.57

Did you know that the Comox Valley Pool League donated the proceeds from the speed ball table at the Vancouver Island Eight Ball Championship to YANA? We are grateful that you included us in your fun!

YANA Christmas Cracker Prize Creates A Big Surprise

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Ted Sauve was sporting a great big smile when he stopped by the YANA office to pick up the grand prize from YANA’s annual cracker sale. He received the winning cracker at the Hollis Wealth client appreciation Christmas party.

“It was a big surprise,” laughs Suave. “When you open one of these things you just expect a little toy.” As well as a toy, he found a special tag. “It said ‘Congratulations! You have won a $1500 pair of diamond earrings from YANA’.”

Ted Sauve CRacker 2014Of course this wonderful gift would not be possible without the generous support of our community. Every year Mark Dalziel donates the grand prize, a stunning piece of jewellery, and Tim Haley donates the appraisal.

“Mark has a long history of supporting YANA,” says Lesley Hunter, YANA board director and volunteer who coordinates this event. “People call Mark the ‘Gold Guy’, he definitely has a heart of gold.”

YANA is so grateful for everyone who makes this holiday fundraiser a success; the volunteers who hand craft these fun crackers, the local businesses who sell them, and the people who make them a part of their Christmas celebrations.

With the help of the Comox Valley community YANA is able to offer direct funding and accommodation to local families who must travel for the medical care of a child or a pregnant mother.

What did he do when he found out he won? “I called my wife right away and told her I knew what she was getting for Christmas,” says Sauve.

We hope she liked her gift!

Big Spirit Brings Big Success for Driftwood Mall Event!

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The Driftwood Mall’s Christmas Tree Auction in support of YANA raised an amazing $9,138.68 this year! The annual event, started by the Mall in 1999, has generously supported YANA for the past 16 years.

Local businesses and individuals decorate trees which are then displayed in the mall concourse, where members of the public can take part in a silent auction and bid on their favorite tree. The winners take home the fully decorated trees, many complete with gifts, and the Driftwood Mall donates the proceeds to YANA.

Driftwood Mall Christmas Tree Auction 2014

Some highlights this year include the Comox Valley Airport’s tree aptly called “The Gift of Flight” which earned $2,525, making it the highest bid ever at this event! The Chalifoux/Luscombe family’s lovely handcrafted decorations, featuring painted gourds, made “The Nightmare Before Christmas” a crowd stopper. The Needle Loft’s beautiful quilt set was a dreamy treasure under their tree and all the bright orange goodness under Home Depot’s tree made it a huge hit with bidders. The care and generosity that all sponsors put into their trees was a great reminder of the true meaning of Christmas!

YANA would like to thank everyone who took part this year and made the Driftwood Mall’s fundraiser such a huge success. Our gratitude to:

Chalifoux/Luscombe Family; Courtenay Fish and Game; In Loving Memory of Kaiya Williams; London Drugs; Trisha Randle; Driftwood Ticket Centre; Tisdall/Godfrey/Van Cleave Family; CV Business Network; Kelli Andrews; Team Deters/Team Behan; Investors Group Financial; All In One Party Shop; Boston Pizza; Comox Airport; Target; Generation Gap; Vrable Family; McKenzie Gartside; Kingfisher; Needle Loft/Seams Perfectly Simple; K.W. Electric; Banks/Razmus Family; The Bisque Restaurant; Quality Foods and A Step Above; Gayles Grooming In Memory of Kweil Lewis; Home Depot; The Rushton Family; Angels; Ecole Au-Coeur-De-Lile; Mosaic Vision Care; Sandi Piper; and The Tee Box.